
Twins | 37 Week Bumpdate

Twins | 37 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 37 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Winter Melon. They should be around 5 ½ to 6 pounds now! We finally made it...

Twins | 37 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 37 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Winter Melon. They should be around 5 ½ to 6 pounds now! We finally made it...

Twins | 36 Week Bumpdate

Twins | 36 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 36 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Honeydew. They should be around 5 pounds hopefully. They are getting more ready for their debut! Weight Gain?: At the...

Twins | 36 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 36 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Honeydew. They should be around 5 pounds hopefully. They are getting more ready for their debut! Weight Gain?: At the...

Twins | 35 Week Bumpdate

Twins | 35 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 35 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Coconut. According to the scan we had today the boys are only about an ounce or two away...

Twins | 35 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 35 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Coconut. According to the scan we had today the boys are only about an ounce or two away...

Twins | 34 Week Bumpdate

Twins | 34 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 34 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Butternut Squash. According to the scan we had yesterday the boys are only about an ounce or two...

Twins | 34 Week Bumpdate

Dakota Curfman

How Far Along?: 34 Weeks Genders?: BOYS How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Butternut Squash. According to the scan we had yesterday the boys are only about an ounce or two...

Maternal Fetal Medicine Appointment

Maternal Fetal Medicine Appointment

Dakota Curfman

Yesterday morning I was a complete mess! I hardly slept and woke up worried, excited and anxious all at the same time. I was so excited to finally get some...

Maternal Fetal Medicine Appointment

Dakota Curfman

Yesterday morning I was a complete mess! I hardly slept and woke up worried, excited and anxious all at the same time. I was so excited to finally get some...

Twins Maternity Photo Dump

Twins Maternity Photo Dump

Dakota Curfman

Wes and I had originally paid for some maternity photos to get done, but sadly the photographer (who has the same due date as me) went into preterm labor and was...

Twins Maternity Photo Dump

Dakota Curfman

Wes and I had originally paid for some maternity photos to get done, but sadly the photographer (who has the same due date as me) went into preterm labor and was...