one. Spring cleaning! I started to go through the house this week and get rid of things and organize. It's one of my favorite things to do! It's almost therapeutic for me. I started with the kids toys downstairs and moved by way into the kitchen. Once I'm completely done with the kitchen, I'll move to the dining room and laundry room. Does anyone else get a calming feeling getting rid of things/cleaning?

two. Dates with Bentley. This week I had a good amount of errands to run. Usually I'll go while Wes is working, but I decided to wait until he was home to run out quickly. My sweet Bentley volunteered every time to go with me and I love these little errand dates one on one with the boys. We went to Hobby Lobby, Target and Michaels, he had a blast!

three. Brunch. I hosted a brunch Saturday morning for a girlfriend's birthday. It was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast helping me make the biscuits! They're the best little helpers in the kitchen.