How Far Along?: 35 Weeks
Genders?: BOYS
How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Coconut. According to the scan we had today the boys are only about an ounce or two away from each other. They should be about 4.5 lbs each and 18 inches long. Babies are now practicing their breathing!
Weight Gain?: Haven't weighed myself in a few days, but last time I did I was in the 170's which is crazy because I gained something like 10lbs in just a day! I think it's all the water retention from me swelling so bad.
Workouts?: Nothing! My feet are so swollen it makes it impossible for me to even be up long. Not to mention the walking brings on some not so comfy contractions.
Symptoms?: Besides the cramping and contractions, I've had heartburn pretty bad lately especially at night. Also, my swelling is out of this world. One day I was normal the next morning I had NO ankle. My pelvis still hurts pretty bad, seems to be getting worse the longer I go on. That super itchy belly has been diagnosed as PUPPS....yay me. It's only where my stretch marks are around my belly button, everywhere else is fine so far thank God! I'm taking meds and using different lotion so it seems to be helping.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: My fingers were fine not that long ago, I was able to take my ring off and everything. Then just two days later my hands got so swollen I couldn't get my ring to budge. We tried everything and nothing was working! Sadly L&D had to cut my ring off because my finger was losing circulation.
Stretch Marks?: Under my boobs and the few on my butt. The ones around my belly button haven't gotten worse so that's good.
Belly Button?: Out!
Movements?: They move, but it's more pressure and being lopsided than anything else. They are definitely wiggling in there and I can tell they are running out of room. Liam seems to have the hiccups lately.
Sleep?: Not sleeping at all! I've been miserable and soooooo exhausted lately. My body is definitely trying to prepare me for when the boys get here.
What I Miss?: Being conformable and being able to sleep on my back. Also I miss having my energy like I used to.
Food Cravings?: Hard boiled eggs, fruit and cheese. At least I'm being healthy!
Food Aversions?: None.
Labor Signs?: Still having contractions and lots and lots of pressure.
What I Look Forward to This Week?: Excited for our umbilical artery doppler appointment this Friday. Hopefully we should get more answers then!
Notes: We had a growth scan and were told Baby A was 5 lbs 2 oz and Baby B was 5 lbs 1 oz. I'm not buying it. There is no way these boys gained a pound in just one week! Just one more week before I can deliver here at Naval. Can't believe we are almost at our goal!
Well yesterday we had another appointment with the specialist to check the babies umbilical arteries (mostly Baby B). My husband wasn't able to go, so thankfully my grandma tagged along. We got there a bit early and then finally my name was called. We went into the ultrasound room and I was a bit nervous. She checked Baby A and everything was fine then she moved on to Baby B. She spent way more time on him and it was making me really nervous. I noticed the difference in the dopplers and even though I have no idea how to read them I couldn't help but be scared that something was wrong.
She finished her scans and went to the desk to compare the results. We sat waiting for what seemed like forever. Thank goodness she said they were ok. She even said that Baby B's looked better than it did last Tuesday! YAY! Let's hope it stays that way.
She also checked their fluid levels and said Baby A was in the 5 centimeters and Baby B was in the 4 centimeters. She recommended that twins have at least 3 centimeters of fluid at this point so we have a little wiggle room which is good.
After the scan I had another NST. This time they hooked me up quickly and the babies cooperated so we were in and out in about 30 minutes.
The nurses took all my paperwork into the doctor and he decided he wants to do a doppler every week. From now on until I deliver I have to see him every Friday, and I can still do one NST up at Naval thankfully.
I noticed an abbreviation by Baby B and asked what it meant. Well I guess he has something called IUGR. IUGR stands for intrauterine growth restriction. I'm hoping that the babies don't come out too small, every day inside momma is a blessing!