Is it even possible that these boys are already one?!
I feel like I just had my sweet little five pound babies. Now they're almost 20 pounds each! They've grown and learned so much in just one short year. They say "mama" "dada" "baba" and wave high and bye bye. They also clap and Bentley just started dancing and oh my heart it's so sweet.
Moana has become their favorite movie and Bentley loves to dance to the songs, which just makes my heart burst out of my chest. They also snuggle more and this mama is soaking it all in!
They're also drinking regular milk now and only out of sippy cups. They still have only 6 teeth, but I feel the teething coming on so we'll see when that changes...
Y'all I can't believe I have TWO toddlers!
Since we got to our new duty station ON their first birthday we decided to splurge and get them some cake smash photos. oh. my. word. they're precious. My girl Roxy Meyer did an AH-MAZING job with them! These little heart stoppers only get more and more handsome every day. I'm one lucky mama and can't believe how blessed I am.