Liam + Bentley | Nine Month Update

Liam + Bentley | Nine Month Update

Happy Saturday y'all! The boys were born 9 months ago. NINE months! They're only three months away from being a year and I just can't wrap my head around that. They're growing at lightening speed and I can hardly keep up. They've learned so many new things and I can't wait to spend their first December with them.


16 lbs 2 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 11 oz)

25 ¼ in (Birth: 19.5 in)


16 lbs 4 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 8 oz)

25 ¼ in (Birth: 19 in)

These are the measurements that they most recently had BUT they have their 9 month appointment this Monday so we'll see how much they've grown then.



We still use formula, but we've cut down the amount of bottles they get from 4+ to 3 a day. I did this because (mama confession) I'm HORRIBLE at giving them solids. Absolutely awful. I get so busy that I forget! I know I know I'm horrible. BUT cutting down their bottles has really helped. HUGE thank you to my girl Liv who has inspired me and helped me so much in the solids department. Our new schedule is this: Morning 9oz bottle at 7:30am, breakfast around 10:30am, Afternoon 9oz bottle at 1:30pm, lunch at 3:30pm, dinner at 5:30pm and Bedtime 9oz bottle at 7:30pm. At first I thought this was going to be so exhausting and hard, but really it's not that bad. They're great eaters and they tried eggs for the first time this week and LOVED them! We have opened up a whole new world.


They looooved their sleep last month. This month? Not so much....for some reason my children refuse to nap. They're superstars at sleeping throughout the night, but when it comes to napping they're only down for 30 mins MAYBE twice a day. Lord help...No really. Send help.

On a more exciting note...These two boys have taken a few steps! Of course they fall over after about the second step, but they're getting so close to walking. I'm so excited and sad at the same time. They're growing way too fast. Slow down! They're talkative and so much fun. I can't wait to see what this month brings!

Here is one of my favorite nine month pictures.

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