Here We Grow Again

Here We Grow Again

Fair warning this post is going to be a little TMI. If you don't want to read about ovulation and all the stuff that comes with making a baby...scroll on.

It's no secret that I want four kids. I have since I can remember. For some reason, I was always drawn to having a big family, it just called to me. So when Cooper turned one Wes, Myself...and my body were ready. Up until he was one, I hadn't had a cycle, which was great...but also makes it nearly impossible to get pregnant. We also wanted to try and sway for a girl (although of course I will love any baby that God blesses us with). But, I would die to have a daughter of my own.

When my cycle ended I was finally ready to track and give this thing a go! Thank goodness I did track, because according to my app I should have ovulated on January 31. WRONG. I didn't ovulate for an entire week after that. I got my positive OPK on February 6th, which means I ovulated the 7th. I didn't think our first month trying I would end up pregnant...I must have forgotten about Cooper...

Because on the night of February 16th, our worlds changed forever in the best way possible. I'm a serial pregnancy test taker y'all...I should buy stock in pregnancy test because good gracious, I went through a lot. I also test way earlier than you should...guilty. Call it mama intuition, or a gut feeling, but I just felt off. From the moment I ovulated I just had this funny feeling. I was trying to keep my hopes down since this was our first attempt and my first cycle post baby, which are known for being super unpredictable (see paragraph above). BUT I tested anyways starting at 7DPO. On 9DPO at night I took a Clearblue dye test. I was SHOCKED when I saw what I thought was a very very faint line appear in the time frame. I ran downstairs to Wes waving my pee stick in his face and asking him if he saw it too! He saw it...which means it was real y'all. If my husband sees a line on a pregnancy test, you best believe that eggo is preggo.

Naturally I continued to test a few dozen times to be sure. On Sunday February 17th at about one o'clock in the afternoon, I decided to take a digital. Are y'all like me? You don't really believe it until a digital tells you YES+ or PREGNANT? I fully expected it to say NO- even though my First Response test that morning had a faint pink line on it. But my heart about jumped out of my throat when I saw the YES+ pop up.

The next day I called my PCM to confirm my pregnancy. Tuesday was my appointment and they did in fact tell me I was pregnant. I got my referral to see my favorite midwife of all time Marsha! The PCM did make me nervous, since I found out before my missed period and I had been cramping a little so I've been praying for a sticky pink baby!

We were SO SO blessed to get pregnant that first cycle trying and I can't wait for this journey! Here we number FOUR!

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