Time has seemed to both slow down and speed up at the same time. This pandemic has really changed up our everyday routines, but what I'm grateful for is this time. Time as a family, time to slow down, time to be intentional, time together. We will never get this time back, so if this pandemic has brought anything good, it's having us all together and Wes being here to soak up all the precious moments.
Ellie is growing and changing so fast, I'm happy Wes gets to be present for it. It's a luxury we haven't had with any of the babies thus far.
This last month sure has been a whirlwind. We had some pretty crudy timing with this whole pandemic. The last month we've had sickness ravage our household. It all started on the twins' fourth birthday actually. Cooper started getting sick that night and he went downhill very fast. Turns our he tested positive for Influenza A. Not long after, the other three tested positive as well. We were in and out of the emergency room for two weeks. I thought Ellie was going to magically skip it since she had stayed healthy the longest. Nope. Five days after Cooper started having symptoms, she came down with it. Because of how little she is, naturally I panicked. I took her to our local emergency room. Had an AWFUL experience, so I took it upon myself to drive three hours to Phoenix Children's Hospital. I'm glad I did. She had a 103.7 fever while in their emergency room, and we got admitted. We spent a few days there and finally got released later on St. Patrick's Day. Poor baby girl had a rough experience and it was scary seeing her hooked up to all the wires. She was so dehydrated when we got there, that it took FIVE tries to place her IV. Thankfully she recovered okay.
BUT...a week after getting discharged she spiked another fever. So, we took her in and they did a urine test (which was AWFUL) and came back that she had a urinary tract infection. We got her the antibiotics, but I was still worried about her breathing. Yet another trip to the pediatric clinic, and her doctor thinks she picked up another virus. Thankfully, she seems to be completely over it now.
Now we all just need to stay healthy and if I'm completely honest, I hope this quarantine lasts awhile. I of course want life to go back to "normal," but I also want this virus to GO AWAY for good.
After getting sick, she slowed down on her feedings. She still eats quite often, but not nearly as much as she used to. We're still exclusively breastfeeding, which is both amazing and exhausting.
We've hit a lovely sleep regression. This child doesn't sleep unless she is on me. She's also waking up super early and all throughout the night. Not only does she fuss, but she SCREAMS. Safe to say, mama is tired.
The only nice thing about going to the doctor so frequently is we get constant updates on her growth. Here is what she was sitting at the last time we went in:
Weight: 15lbs 0.5oz (birth: 7lbs 9.6oz)
Height: 24in (birth 20in)
She's such a sweet soul and I love watching her learn new things. She still hasn't figured out how to roll from back to tummy, but I think it will be soon! She loves her cuddles, and adores her big brothers. My heart melts every time I hear her laughing at them being silly. She's sitting on her own for short bursts of time, I think soon she will figure out how to sit unassisted!
I hope everyone is staying safe at home during this pandemic! Praying for y'all and hopefully things will get better soon. I'm interested to see what this next month will bring us!