Our sweet, wild little man is two. I can't even believe it. I remember that pregnancy and delivery like it was yesterday. Some days I forget he's only two and I think he's so much older than he is, while other times I still look at him and still see my chubby baby.

I had this realization the other day while I was feeding Ellie, that he was still nursing just a year ago. SO much has changed in such a short time.

He's grown up to be such a strong willed and independent spirit. He loves to run free outside, and if we could he would run naked. Which is why I can never keep shoes on that kid. Half the time he prefers to run around in just a diaper and tee.

He LOVES his daddy and it just melts my heart. I love to watch their bond grow everyday. If he had it his way, that kid would be attached to Wes 24/7. He also love/hates his brothers. He wants to be one of them, while simultaneously loving to push their buttons. I'm so grateful for him though, because he pushes the twins outside of their comfort zones. I fully believe that they learn just as much from him as he does from them.

This year we decided to throw him a little party for his birthday, and since he's been loving Mickey Mouse Playhouse lately, we did an Oh TWOodles theme for him. I was super intentional about making it small, laid back and easy. Not only because we are living in an RV, but because simplicity has been my jam lately. We got the balloons, made a cake and picked up In-n-out for lunch. It was such a perfect day!

We had his 2 year check up recently, and he's weighing in at 25lbs 10.6oz and 33in long! This kid is a brute compared to his brothers. In fact, he's only a pound or two off from their weights now.

Well...I'll just be here reminiscing about this little man's birth and getting emotional. Can't wait to see what changes come next year!