Cooper | 9 Month Update

Cooper | 9 Month Update

Y'all I'm so terrible, it's taken me this long to upload his 9 month post, but it has been C R A Z Y over here. Since he turned nine months while we were on vacation in Texas, I didn't get his typical nine month photo, but man did we have a blast!

Little man now has two teeth! He's so active and crawling all over the place! He's also standing on his own and I swear it's just a matter of days before he starts trying to walk! His new trick right now is climbing the stairs. He was allllll over those bad boys while we were at my grandma's house.

He's also slowly starting to eat more table food which is great. His favorite fruits are banana and peaches! A boy after my own heart. He's also discovered cookies thanks to his older brothers. He also steals their cups and has learned how to drink out of them...have mercy this little boy is smart.

We still haven't figured out the whole sleeping at night thing, but man this mama is praying we figure it out soon. If y'all have any tips I am all ears!

He loves his big brothers and is always wanting to run with the big boys, I don't see this ever changing. But, they love him just as much.

I was so proud of him because he did SO well on our drives to and from Texas. I was so worried he would have a hard time, but he almost did better than the twins did!

I can't believe that it's been nine whole months since he has been Earth side. I know I say that every month, but man it really goes by fast. Blink and you'll miss it!

This mama is just running around trying to keep up with him and soaking it all in as best as I can.

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