Bumpdate | 8 Weeks

Bumpdate | 8 Weeks

How Far Along?:  8 Weeks!

Weight Gain: About 2lbs. Last I checked I was hovering around the high 115's to low 116's. I'm pretty surprised since I haven't been eating or drinking much...oops.

Gender?: Hoping our girl sway worked! We've got some time before we find out though.

How Big is Baby?: Baby bean is the size of a raspberry! Baby finally tips the scales at about 0.04 ounces and is about 0.63 inches long. Not only has baby grown a lot since last week, but this week will grow about a millimeter a DAY. That's some crazy growth!

Symptoms: Well I can finally say that I think my symptoms are starting to pick up. My lip is still breaking out in that weird bumpy mess, so I've decided to see a dermatologist about it. It's been a month now! Other than that I'm starting to get nauseous more frequently. The sound of food most of the time makes my stomach churn. I'm exhausted, but I haven't been having an easy time falling asleep lately. I'm also slightly moody..sorry Wes.

Any Food Cravings?: Eggs..lately either well-done fried OR hard boiled. Also cheese. All the cheese.

Sleep: Tired all the time, not sleeping great though.

Stretch Marks?: No new ones!

Maternity Clothes?: Not yet but my pants are starting to feel a little confining.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! I just bought a silicone one just in case.

What Do You Miss the Most?: Honestly? My lip being normal! I'm so sick of whatever is going on. I blame hormones...

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Hopefully getting in a last minute appointment with my midwife to check on baby!

Labor Signs?: None! I cramp sometimes here and there but I think it's mostly when I don't drink enough water...I really need to get better about that.

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