Bumpdate | 20 Weeks

Bumpdate | 20 Weeks

How Far Along?:  20 Weeks! We are officially half way through this pregnancy and I can't even believe it. It's going by way too fast! I feel like it was just Valentine's Day weekend when we found out I was pregnant and now we only have 20 weeks until I'm due.

Weight Gain: 12 pounds, which isn't bad, I'm actually right on track for a healthy weight gain this pregnancy.

Gender?: It's a GIRL! Getting more and more excited to meet her the closer we get to D-Day.

How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of a banana, weighing 10.1 ounces and 6.5 inches long crown to rump. At this stage she has working taste buds, which is so cool! She keeps growing and growing and it's so exciting to watch my belly grow each week.

Symptoms: Oh man this past week has been a roller coaster. I started having these sharp pains from my lower abdomen up to the top of my belly and I had to breathe through them. Then I started getting headaches and lightheaded all the time, which was so annoying because I started seeing spots and felt like I needed to lay down constantly. Then I started to get cramps with lower back pain, so come Monday I went in just to be checked out. I had to go back the next day so they could do a cervical length ultrasound which was thankfully normal and hadn't changed much since my 18 week scan. I did get a call today about some of my tests and turns out I have a bacterial infection, so I'll be on antibiotics for the next week. It explains the cramping and lower back pain now. I've also started to get a few cramps in my legs lately which has been annoying.

Any Food Cravings?: S T E A K. ALL. THE. STEAK. AND potatoes!

Sleep: I've been sooooo tired lately, but can't sleep comfortably so I'm hoping the back pain subsides so I can get more rest. I've also been working on going to bed earlier. I need to get back into working out early in the mornings, because I fell asleep so much easier at night.

Stretch Marks?: Nothing new. I can't imagine after the twins and Cooper that I would get any new stretch marks. Especially since I'm carrying much smaller this time!

Maternity Clothes?: LOVE them! I actually just ordered some pants and a comfy tee, I can't wait to get them in the mail tomorrow.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! Although my skin has been SO dry lately so I've been wearing nothing.

What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back and having more energy, I've been wiped this past week.

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I'm so excited for my appointment with my midwife to check in on baby girl again, I never get tired of hearing that heart beat.

Labor Signs?: Not yet...it better stay that way for a LONG time.

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