How Far Along?: 11 Weeks!
Weight Gain: About 3ish pounds which is right on track!
Gender?: Not sure, but I had my blood drawn for the Panorama test this week and I can't wait to find out if our sway worked. I have a strong feeling it's another boy though.
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a lime! We had an ultrasound this week and baby was actually measuring 1.5 inches long, a teeny tiny little thing. Babe is also about 0.25 ounces this week. Right now baby is moving around in there a lot (although I can't feel it yet) and the skin is see through. This week our little one is working on growing hair follicles, tooth buds and nails!
Symptoms: I FINALLY got my lip biopsy back! Turns out I'm having contact dermatitis because of something I'm either doing or putting on my lips. Thank God it's nothing serious or contagious! I've beens so tired this pregnancy and the nausea is still hanging out, although it only comes around during the morning and nights. Other than that I'm feeling pretty good! Hoping when I get into the second trimester I'll have more energy!
Any Food Cravings?: My cravings haven't been super strong lately. I'm still eating a lot of eggs and that's about it! I'm starting to lean more towards the healthy foods like fruit.
Sleep: I'm always tired but getting good quality sleep lately has been a struggle for some reason.
Stretch Marks?: No new ones!
Maternity Clothes?: Not quite I may have to break out the maternity pants here soon though! Mine are getting too tight and uncomfortable.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: SLEEP and not feeling so icky all the time.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Finding out the gender!! I'm so anxious about it! Plus it's also Wes' birthday next week, so I look forward to celebrating him!
Labor Signs?: NOPE!