How Far Along?: 9 Weeks!
Weight Gain: 5 lbs. I'm not surprised that I gained about a pound from last week because I have been stuffing my face full of food haha.
Gender?: Not sure yet but we get the blood test done this week and find out soon!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is as big as a green olive! Peanut is measuring in at 0.9 inches long and 0.07oz. Can't believe how fast this little on is growing.
Symptoms: I still feel a little bloated...or maybe just fat, but I'm also out of the morning sickness stage thank you God because I felt like I was dying. But now that that is gone, I'm having really bad back pain and on and off cramping too. Not to mention the extreme fatigue is still hanging out. Ready for that to go away any day now...
Any Food Cravings?: Lately I've really love eggs and fruit. OH and sushi! It's so weird because I craved the same thing with the twins.
Sleep: When I get comfy I'm sleeping like a rock. I could sleep all day if you let me.
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new.
Maternity Clothes?: Not yet! But I feel it coming on soon.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.
What Do You Miss the Most?: Being able to eat sushi. For some reason I'm really craving it.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Telling all our friends and family that we are expecting baby number 3!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Planning the announcement/Fourth of July BBQ. I have so much fun planning these get togethers.