Bumpdate | 5 Weeks

Bumpdate | 5 Weeks

How Far Along?:  5 Weeks! I honestly can't believe I'm even writing this post right now. This baby came as a HUGE surprise and it's the latest I've found out I was pregnant!

Weight Gain: No idea since we don't have a scale anymore, but I'd say no weight gain yet! Last time I was weighed (a couple weeks ago) I was 120lbs.

Gender?: No idea, but I'd love to have another girl!

How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of an apple seed this week! This week baby is measurable at a wee 0.13 inches from head to bum. Baby is hearing up for a ton of growth and will almost double in size by next week! Grow baby grow!

Symptoms:  Honestly I don't have too many. I have this heaviness or fullness feeling in my uterus and it's usually at night or when I lay/sit down. I've also had these weird dizzy/light headedness spells. I had the same issue with Ellie but not nearly this early on! I'm thinking it's probably lower blood pressure combined with being dehydrated. I also have this random on again off again stitch/cramp on my lower left pelvic area that I'm thinking is also related to needing to drink more and maybe round ligament pain? I have to pee more often but it's probably related to the UTI I'm kicking, versus pregnancy. That or it's a combination of the two! My boobs are tender and sore (mostly in the morning) but nothing horrible. Overall I pretty normal and probably wouldn't even realize I was pregnant if I didn't already know!

Any Food Cravings?: No not really, just trying to make sure I get my protein in!

Sleep: Since we are on our trip I feel so tired, and I haven't been sleeping a ton.

Stretch Marks?: Nothing new but I doubt I could add anymore this time ha!

Maternity Clothes?: Nope!

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Raw fish! I'm usually not a stickler for food or making too many changes when I'm pregnant, but raw fish I avoid and I'm missing the poke bowls!

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I didn't think I'd have any more babies so I'm looking forward to soaking in each and every moment of this pregnancy. I can't wait for when we can schedule our first ultrasound!

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Finding out I was pregnant while visiting one of my best friends on Camp Lejeune. I found out at her house!

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