How Far Along?: 29 Weeks! Last week before I hit the 30's! I can't believe it's already here!
Weight Gain: 27 lbs. Not so bad I guess haha considering he is growing ahead of schedule!
Gender?: BOY!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of an Acorn Squash! We had a growth scan and little man was weighing in at 3lbs 7oz at 28w6d! He's a big boy already!
Symptoms: INTENSE back's almost unbearable. I'm also not sleeping because of the insomnia and the fact that I can't get comfy...which means I'm exhausted haha the cycle continues.
Any Food Cravings?: Not really! I had one weird craving this week that I NEVER crave...chocolate cake!
Sleep: Non existent. I can't sleep until midnight-2 and then once I do it's time to wake up to take care of the twins.
Stretch Marks?: Just the ones from the twins being more prominent.
Maternity Clothes?: All day everyday. If I don't leave the house I don't bother putting real clothes on anymore lol
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On. So far not swollen yay!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Being comfortable and having energy. This third trimester nonsense is no joke!
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: My Chiropractic appt and the fact that I will be 30 weeks which means only 10 weeks until D-Day!
Labor Signs?: Nope! Every now and then I get Braxton hicks but that's it!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Seeing little man on the ultrasound and finding out how big he is!