Bumpdate | 27 Weeks

Bumpdate | 27 Weeks

How Far Along?:  27 weeks! One week until the third trimester! It's really going by so fast.

Weight Gain: The last I checked I gained about 15 lbs. Sort of just depends on the day. I haven't changed much. This pregnancy has been much different when it comes to weight gain than my others. I've gained slowly and maintained.

Gender?: BOY! I can't wait to see what he looks like. 

How Big is Baby?: He's the size of lettuce and is weighing in at 1.9 lbs and 14.4 inches long. Baby is practicing inhaling and exhaling with their rapidly developing lungs. He's showing brain activity! From here on out, his brain will keep getting more complex. The whole nervous system is developing. 

His hearing is also continuing to improve, and he might start to recognize our voices. That said, his ears are covered with vernix, a thick, waxy coating that protects the skin from becoming chapped by amniotic fluid, so sounds might be a bit muffled. He will continue to gain fat, which will make his skin look smoother and less wrinkly. 

Symptoms: This last week has been a doozy. I've been having Braxton hicks on and off, been tired, and my gut is still inflamed. I had a pretty scary weekend and spent time in L&D and ICU. I'm very anemic and my levels were critical so I ended up with two units of blood while there. It was pretty awful. Even when I wasn't in stable condition, baby boy was and that was a relief. They have me on a liquid iron supplement and I also decided to start monitoring my blood sugar. Today is day two of that and so far I don't have many concerns. I've only had one super out of range number and that was yesterday. Overall I seem to stay in the 70s-low 100s, so that's reassuring. I plan to monitor it for a week at least to see how it goes. I'm hoping I can make some healthier choices and overall be better.

Any Food Cravings?: Mostly craving meat and fruits lately. But that makes sense if I'm severely anemic. 

Sleep: Not sleeping well, but not horribly either. I've been better at a more consistent bedtime and wake up time. I've been going to bed between 10pm-11pm and waking up at 7am.

Stretch Marks?: No new ones that I've noticed. But my old ones are just more pronounced. 

Maternity Clothes?: Yes and no. I have a few basics like tanks and tees and some leggings, but can still wear some of my normal clothes too like my dresses, sweaters, and some tees.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Not being stressed about my health. This last scare in the hospital has me all in my head. 

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I'm looking forward to celebrating the twins this weekend. We are celebrating their birthday early because Wes won't be here for it which sucks. 

Labor Signs?: Nope! Having Braxton hicks and the hospital said I was 1cm on the outside but closed inside so that's great news!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: I would say coming home from the hospital. That was a great day! I missed my family, my bed, taking a shower, and good food. Makes me grateful for what we have for sure.

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