How Far Along?: 27 Weeks!
Weight Gain: About 25lbs so far. My weight can't make up it's mind, I just keep telling myself it's because he's big haha.
Gender?: BOY!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a yellow turnip! He's just over 2lbs now!
Symptoms: I've been having contractions on and off and back pain like no other lately. Also this heartburn is no joke. I can barely sleep at night because of it. I also noticed I dropped quite a bit which adds to my pressure haha. Oh and on the TMI side, I did lose my mucus plug so we are going to keep an eye out for more contractions. But other than that I'm just one tired mama!
Any Food Cravings?: Nothing really!
Sleep: I can't get to sleep for the life of me but once I'm out, I may as well be dead to the world haha.
Stretch Marks?: Just more prominent from the twin's pregnancy.
Maternity Clothes?: Yup! If I'm not going anywhere I basically live in PJ's.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On with plenty of room still!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Being comfortable.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I'm excited to get our 3D-4D ultrasound of little man!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Halloween! It was so much fun to take the boys around trick or treating for the first time, too bad their daddy couldn't be there too.