How Far Along?: 19 weeks! I'm not even sure how that's possible already!
Weight Gain: So far not much. I hit 130 lbs at one point but since I haven't been feeling great I'm down to 127-128 lbs right now. Which is so crazy to me. I feel so small compared to my other pregnancies.
Gender?: We have our anatomy scan this week!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is now as big as a mango! Mmmm. Baby is measuring 6 inches and 8.5 ounces. Which is crazy, they're already over half a pound!
Baby is working on their five senses. Nerve cells for their sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are all developing this week.
Baby is also beginning to develop brown fat this week, which will keep their body warm when they leave the cozy little home inside my womb. Like white fat—the most plentiful kind found in your body—brown fat stores energy. But it takes up less volume and serves a number of other purposes, including regulating your metabolism and insulin levels. Brown fat gets activated when you’re in cool temperatures, helping the body to burn calories (in the form of sugar and fat) before you actually feel cool.
Adult teeth are already beginning to form too. The substance that makes up teeth appears at around week 6 of pregnancy. When baby is born, all 20 of their baby teeth—and part of their permanent teeth—will be nestled under those nubby gums.
Symptoms: I was doing so well with my gut and then last week we went out to eat and I ate something my body DID NOT agree with. Ever since I've been in a flare and just two days ago threw up VIOLENTLY. So that's not fun...And because of that I'm not sleeping well. Other than that my back is just hurting more and I'm tired, but otherwise doing okay! I did get to a chiropractor finally and it was nice. I just hope this gut thing heals up fast because it's so frustrating and I'm so over it.
Any Food Cravings?: Lately I've been craving the nourishing foods. Soups, roasts, things like that. But also sweets like homemade ice cream or sourdough desserts.
Sleep: It's been hard to come across lately and just last night I didn't sleep until after 1:30am.
Stretch Marks?: No new ones that I've noticed.
Maternity Clothes?: Yup! I just got a pair of leggings in and can't wait to try them!
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Honestly, I wish my back didn't hurt so much and my gut would calm the heck down and go back to normal.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: My anatomy scan! Can't wait to check on baby!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: New Years! We all stayed up, and toasted with sparkling apple cider. I'm ready for a fresh start and a new year. I also started the Bible in a year plan and it's been so nice to do with a community.