How Far Along?: 19 Weeks!
Weight Gain: 19.5 lbs. Boy do I feel it too. I don't feel like I've gained in my arms or face but everywhere else...*cough cough my legs/butt* seem to have grown. But midwife says I'm doing just fine so I'm trusting that it stays that way!
Gender?: BOY! I've finally come around to being SUPER excited about being an all boy mama.
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a Mango mmmm! Cooper is about 6 inches long and weighing in at 8.5 oz just over half a pound.
Symptoms: I feel like over night my belly decided to stick straight out. Sometimes it's soft sometimes it's hard. I also noticed my back pain is getting worse and even though I try to workout all week long, it doesn't seem to help too much (thanks scoliosis).
Any Food Cravings?: Not much honestly. I thought I would crave so much more this pregnancy, but I think because I started off eating healthier my body doesn't need much else!
Sleep: Sleep is starting to get iffy. With my back pain, it's impossible to get comfy. I toss and turn a lot now and sleeping on my back is not as comfy as it once was. I start off going to sleep on one of my sides and wake up in the middle of the night to pee and I'll be on my back...
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new!
Maternity Clothes?: All day everyday!
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.
What Do You Miss the Most?: Being able to sleep comfortably and not having back pain. I forgot what constant back pain feels like!
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Wes gets to come home again for a few days since he'll be on duty. I love when he gets breaks, because not only do I get to see him, but I also get another helping hand!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: We had a last minute trip to San Diego/Temecula to visit not one friend, but three! A good friend of ours stationed in Japan made his way to Cali, so we had to go see him! It had been almost a year since he had seen us and the twins. We also had a couple from EOD school who was visiting Cali and we were so excited to see them. It was a hectic, exhausting, but great weekend!