How Far Along?: 18 weeks! Only 2 weeks until I hit the halfway mark. Sometimes I look down at my growing belly and think "How am I already here?!"
Weight Gain: So far
Gender?: We have our anatomy scan next month!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is now as big as an artichoke! Measuring in at 5.6 inches and 6.1 ounces. Baby is working their muscles and practicing all kinds of movements. They're yawning, hiccupping, sucking and swallowing! They’re twisting, rolling, punching and kicking too.
For the past few weeks, baby’s hearing has been developing, and now, the pieces are in place for them to begin hearing sounds inside my womb (like my heartbeat). The ears, which have been slowly moving to the sides of their head, are finally set in place and sticking out; meanwhile, more sophisticated nerve and bone development is occurring in the middle and inner ear canals.
Symptoms: Lately I've been doing better a lot better with my gut. I really think it has a lot to do with the supplements I'm taking. I have back aches more frequently, and I'm tired, but mostly doing well. I've also been a bit short tempered lately but I think it's because I'm feeling overwhelmed and doing too much at one time.
Any Food Cravings?: Mostly hardy filling foods, I've been cooking from scratch at home everyday and my body is thanking me for it.
Sleep: It's been hit or miss. Sometimes I have insomnia and sometimes I sleep through the night no problem. While other times I sleep ok, but toss and turn and pee every hour.
Stretch Marks?: No new ones that I've noticed.
Maternity Clothes?: Yup! I need to buy some more basics like leggings and a good pair of jeans though.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Honestly, I wish my back didn't hurt so much.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: New Years! There's something about a fresh start that just makes me so excited!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Christmas! Watching the kids open their presents is just so magical as a mama.