Bumpdate | 14/15 Weeks

Bumpdate | 14/15 Weeks

How Far Along?:  Well, I thought 14 weeks but turns out its now 15 weeks so I kinda skipped last weeks! We are definitely in the second trimester now and it's wild to think about!

Weight Gain: So far nothing still, trying not to worry about it but I'm sitting at 121-122 lbs. The midwife didn't seem too concerned about my weight at all since she didn't mention it, so I'm just going to say I'm lucky at this point haha.

Gender?: Not sure yet, but I really hope it's another baby girl! We find out hopefully within the next week or so!

How Big is Baby?: Baby is now as big as a naval orange! Baby is measuring about 4 inches and 2.5 ounces. Baby is squirming a ton in there, although I don't think I'm feeling it just yet! They can move their limbs, joints, and may be sucking their thumb or smiling. Baby's eyes will stay fused shut for a few more months but they can now sense light! Baby's ears are starting to hear, and other organs are starting to move into their rightful place. They're also starting to look a bit more proportional than before.

Symptoms: This past week has not been a great one with my gut health. It's been inflamed (TMI with blood) but I decided yesterday to try an AIP diet to try and control the inflammation. I've done an AIP diet before and typically I do them for 3-6 months depending on my health. I'm hoping it gives my body an opportunity to relax and heal. I'm also working on other aspects like stress, sleep, and movement. Other than that I feel pretty good aside from the back pain.

Any Food Cravings?: No not really. I just seem to be craving healthier meals and protein which I think is my bodies way of saying it needs to heal.

Sleep: Better, but still not super great. I've been staying up way later than I should lately and have a harder time falling asleep.

Stretch Marks?: My previous ones are pretty noticeable. But I don't think I have new ones...yet.

Maternity Clothes?: YUP. I have officially entered the stage of maternity clothes. I bought my first set of basics the other day at the PX. I haven't worn all of them yet, and can still get away with my big leggings and tees, but I know I'll need to break out those maternity pants soon. But for now my leggings, dresses, and biker shorts seem to be doing the trick.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Having a healthy gut and not being so inflamed. It sucks that this happened over the holidays.

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Getting our NIPT results hopefully! I can't wait to find out what we are having and hopefully finding out that baby is healthy!

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Getting to meet my midwife and see baby again!  

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