How Far Along?: 12 Weeks! It's hard to imagine that I'll be in the second trimester in just 2 weeks! It feels like it's flying by right now with how busy we've been!
Weight Gain: I keep using our new scale and I almost think it's broken because I'm still within my normal 120-125lbs pre-pregnancy range. It's hard to believe I haven't really gained much!
Gender?: We don't know yet, but I'm hoping we have another girl. I'm going to ask about NIPT whenever I get in with a provider.
How Big is Baby?: Baby is now as big as a lime or plum! Baby is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that baby's got pretty much all of their important organs, their main job is to keep on growing. They’ve got all their bones, muscles, limbs, and organs, and working digestive, urinary and circulatory systems. This means they’re already drinking and peeing (it’s just amniotic fluid!). From here on out, it’s all about getting bigger and more mature. Baby's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly. Baby is also opening and closing their fingers and curling their toes, and their brain is developing fast! Their face already has a recognizable profile with a defined nose and chin.
Symptoms: My GI has been acting up lately and I've been gassy again which isn't fun. I'm also not sleeping and my lower back is killing me. I think it's mostly because of this loaner furniture we are sleeping on. I can't wait to get our HHG and hopefully I'll sleep better!
Any Food Cravings?: Not really. I love the sound of cheese and hard boiled eggs but I crave protein every pregnancy. I've also really been drawn to red meat, but I wouldn't call it a craving.
Sleep: Horrible. I toss and turn on this awful loaner mattress and I keep getting up to pee. I can't seem to get comfy and it's creating these lovely dark circles under my eyes...
Stretch Marks?: No new ones I don't think. I did notice while I was lotioning my belly that I do have some, but I think they are the ones from the twins...although I guess it's hard to tell.
Maternity Clothes?: Not technically, but I definitely can't wear my pre-pregnancy jeans any more and I sized up on some leggings.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Probably not having to pee all night long. It would be great to get a solid 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Getting our HHG finally!! I can't wait to transform this place into a cozy home!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Getting our first vehicle! Even though she needs some SERIOUS TLC, once we get everything figured out I'm sure she will be a great van for us!