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Back to Basics


It's been a while since I've sat down and actually written on here. I've been thinking about it a lot lately since I was in the hospital last week, and reminded myself why I even started this blog in the first place. Back in 2015 I was newly married and newly pregnant...with twins. The first thing I did was take to the internet, frantically in search of any blog or forum I could find that would help me prepare for the birth of my twins. As every new mama does, I worried about not being ready. So when I came across a few blogs of moms who had gone before me, it brought me such a sense of comfort and confidence. I had found this whole new community. So as a way to document my own journey, keep our families in the loop, and possible help another mama I started my own blog. It was nothing fancy, and I knew no one outside my family and maybe a few close friends would read it, but I as proud of it.

Fast forward seven years, and my blog has undergone a ton of changes. I've changed its name, hosting domains, and so much more. But I forgot one thing...I started this blog as a creative outlet and with the hope that I may bring some inspiration or community to other women. As with most things my blog has had it's seasons of busy-ness and lulls. It's been neglected and thrown aside when more important things came up, but over the last two weeks I've come to realize that I need to start making this a priority for myself. I always feel more "me" when I'm writing. Not only that, but I want to share my story, my life, with others. My recent hospitalization had me right back to where I was in 2015. Frantically searching the internet for information, community, and real people's stories. In a way it sparked this fire in me to share my own story again. I know how much comfort I felt while laying in that hospital bed reading other women's stories and experiences with the exact same diagnosis I was now facing. And if there is even a slight chance that I can bring another person that same comfort, it's worth sharing. 

The funny thing is, I'm not the kind of person that naturally wants to open up about all the details of my life. I've always been on the more conservative side. But, there's something about putting pen to paper (or in this case fingers to keyboard) that is therapeutic. Don't get me wrong, it's scary to be vulnerable and open up. Especially when talking about the intimate details of your health or life, but in the same breath it's also important to talk about things that others aren't. This disease can feel isolating and lonely. But I want others out there to know that they aren't alone. So I plan to be as open, transparent, and authentic as I can be for you. 

Thanks for making it this far friend, I appreciate you being here. I'm back.

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